MAMDRP Pathways Calendar

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Aloha to all of our MAMDRP Pathways students and staff,

At our upcoming November 3rd meeting date, we're going to be going completely outdoors to do some hands-on experiments and activities related to density and buoyancy... and you know it's gonna all go down NPN style!  We won't get into the specifics of where exactly where we'll be to conduct these activities but the picture below gives you a big clue to where we're heading.

NOTE: As of November 1st, from here on out, students must arrive on time at all of our MAMDRP Pathways meeting dates.  With the momentum and expectations building for this program, everyone is expected to arrive on time, tardies will no longer be accepted.  Also, with the content that is going to be discussed at our November meeting dates, these will be mandatory sessions.  Failure to attend these two important dates may jeopardize you going on the wa'a for the releasing of our floaters in December.

Finally, for our November 3rd meeting date, do not forget to bring the following:

1.  Water bottle
2.  Swimwear
3.  Towel
4.  Extra change of clothes
5.  Sunscreen (if needed)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Literature reviews, public speaking, working on those floaters and Cromwell's...

It's on day 4 of our MAMDRP program,

And it sure was a busy and productive one.  In the morning Aunty Noe opened with Kukulukumuhana where students practiced their oli, and yet another one was added in the mix for the students to learn...

Composed by Pua Case

Aue ua hiki e, ua hiki e 'o Makali'i e

Aue ua hiki e

Hele'e ka wa'a i ke kai e
Ho'okele wa'a (no ka) la 'ino e
'A'ohe e pule, he wa'a nui e

Aue ua hiki e

E lauhoe mai ka wa'a i ke ka

I ka hoe

I ka hoe

I ke ka

(E) pae aku i ka 'aina la
(E) pae mai la i ka 'aina e
Aue ua hiki e

After that was completed students broke up into their times and reviewed their literature review pieces they researched from the previous meeting on marine debris.  From that they prepared for their group's presentations. 

The students did an excellent job with their presentations.  With a little coaching from their alaka'i and a  fun "in house" exercise we did with everyone, the students got over their "um's" and "pauses" and presented their findings with professionalism and poise.

Before lunch, students finished the painting phase of the floaters project and as a reward for their hard work and productivity, after lunch everyone headed to Cromwell's Beach for a dip in the ocean.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Okay students and mentors,

Uncle Kinohi mentioned at our last MAMDRP Pathways event (October 6) that there would be a very special announcement.  Being that everyone has been working very hard at our past three dates, we wanted to let you all know, in the morning we have some work to do, but after lunch on our October 20th gathering date we're going to head to the beach at Cromwell's!  For those of you who did not show up at our October 6 meeting date, you have some catching up to do BEFORE we head out to the beach.  So with that said, be sure to pack the following:

1.  Water bottle (PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THIS!)
2.  Swimwear
3.  Towel
4.  Extra change of clothes

Research and floaters...

For our 3rd MAMDRP Pathways meeting date,

The day started off with a presentation on the Northwestern Islands and the Eastern and Western Garbage Patches in the Pacific Ocean that are surrounding the Hawaiian Islands.

After that was completed, students then learned about conduct literature reviews and then broke up into their teams with their alaka‘i to do online research on marine debris.

After lunch, students went outside to continue painting their wooden floaters for their research project.  This time it was to paint another set of 900 blocks red (well more brick red).

It was yet another productive day!