MAMDRP Pathways Calendar

Saturday, April 20, 2013

MAMDRP trip to Hawai'i Island, Day 2...

Day 2 of our trip,

Friday evening after our talk and dinner with Nakoa Goo, we headed over to Kilauea Military Camp and got checked in.  There was a quick orientation and it was lights out.

Came Saturday morning, everyone woke up nice and early and had a nice breakfast.  Soon after everyone headed to Kilauea Crater for Kukulu Kumuhana.  It was there that the group did their oli.

After that was done, the group drove on over to Ka'u area and met up with Megan Lamson, the Hawai'i  Wildlife Fund Debris Project Coordinator.

At Waiohinu Park, Megan provided an orientation to everyone about what to expect and as she put it, it was our last sighting of "porcelain toilets" we'd be seeing for the day.

After orientation, everyone jumped into their vans and then headed off road style to Kamilo, an area a few miles away from South Point, Ka'u.  During the one hour off road drive beauty surrounded us without a building in site.

After the drive we parked our vans and everyone got their gloves, bags and buckets to help collect   marine debris during our foot trek to Kamilo.

Along the way Megan pointed out a site where a konane board (Hawaiian checkers) was carved out.

Along with the cleanup, the scenery was just amazing.

Here were some of our interesting finds during the cleanup...

A toy dinosaur...

A toy dolphin pendant...

A part from (what we think) a boat...

A can of Japanese brand cigarettes...

After a session of community service and lunch, there was some time to enjoy the area, where everyone got to go swimming if they wanted to.

About 50 yards away from where we were at, a monk seal had recently given birth and was cruising in the area with her newly born pup.  (Take note of the marine debris on the beach.)  Though the Kamilo Beach area has been cleaned up quite extensively, there was still micro plastics and other debris along the coastline.

After our break, Megan walked us over to two alkaline ponds that have been cleaned up recently and is an ongoing restoration project.

After our awesome day at Kamilo, everyone headed back to KMC for dinner and a little bit of R & R...

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