MAMDRP Pathways Calendar

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Out to Makaha to conduct marine debris inventory: Part 2 (findings)

As mentioned in our February 2nd post,

The MAMDRP hui headed out to Makaha to conduct a marine debris inventory.  Below are visuals of what two of the four groups plotted out in their 20 feet x 20 feet transect areas...

Group Members: Uncle Lelemia, Aunty Nikki, Hope, JP & Kristynn

A.  Leaf
B.  Leaf
C.  Leaves
D.  Pen
E.  Sticks
F.  Leaves
G.  Thorns
H.  Plastic
I. Leaves
J.  Plastic
K.  Glowstick
L.  Wrapper
M.  Can
N.  Plastic
O.  Leaf   

Group Members: Uncle Kamuela, Ilikea, Mahina & Camryn    


A.  Stick
B.  Dead Grass
C.  Dried Limu
D.  Bouganvillia Leaf
E.  Kiawe Stems
F.  Kiawe
G.  Plastic/styrofoam
H.  Kiawe
I.  Hau Leaf
J.  Hau Leaf
K.  Yellow Styrofoam
L.  Mango Leaf
M.  Medicinal Ziploc Bag
N.  Hau Leaf
O.  Hau Leaf
P.  Hau Leaf
Q.  Styrofoam
R.  Styrofoam
S.  Plastic Cookie Wrapper
T.  Styrofoam Plate
U.  Hau Leaf
V.  Cushion
W.  Pen cover    

Data was collected from all four of the groups' transects, and from that the following graph was put together to show what kind of debris (degradable and non-degradable) were found at Lahilahi Beach in Makaha (click pic to enlarge)...


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