MAMDRP Pathways Calendar

Monday, March 18, 2013

A weekend of productivity and bonding, Na Pua No'eau style...

What to say about this past weekend's sleepover with the MAMDRP hui,

It was for sure a weekend of productivity and bonding, Na Pua No'eau style.  On Saturday everyone met up at UH Manoa, and began our day with Kukulu Kumuhana, reviewing our oli.

Got some nice shots of the alaka'i and haumana...

After Kukulu Kumuhana, everyone broke up into their groups and continued working on their poster presentations for Ho'ike coming up in April.

Everyone worked hard!  Each of the groups were able to complete a majority of their posters with content on the MAMDRP project.  Everyone had lunch, much thanks to Aunty Lisa and soon after the group headed on to Hau'ula for the MAMDRP sleepover.

After orientation and getting settled in students began working on their kapala (stamps) which will be used to print on their kihei for Ho'ike.  Everyone got in the "zone" making sure that their thoughts and designs were executed to the best of their ability.

After the kapala were done, there was some down time.  Everyone was allowed to go swimming, play volleyball, enjoy the jacuzzi and yes there was more 'ono food from Aunty Lisa...

After dinner it was movie night and for some, soon after it was lights out (and in true sleepover fashion there were those who stayed up!)  The following morning everyone woke up and had a nice big breakfast for the last leg of work at hand for the MAMDRP weekend.  The day opened up with Kukulu Kumuhana.

After a short break everyone met up in the theatre room and each of the groups did their first poster presentation practice session for each other, and provided critique on how they can improve their presentations in time for Ho'ike.

It was for sure a memorable weekend.  A lot was accomplished and it also allowed the group to enjoy each other, share memories, laugh and partake in great food as one huge 'ohana.

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