MAMDRP Pathways Calendar

Monday, March 11, 2013

Schedule for March 16-17...

Aloha Everyone,

Below you'll find the schedule for this weekend's sleepover event, we're going to be working pretty hard in getting ready for our April Ho'ike, but rest assure there will be time set aside for all of us to enjoy each other's company too!:

Saturday, March 16
*Meet at UH
8:30-8:45am Kukulu Kumuhana
8:45-12:30pm Finish working on posters for poster presentations
*We're going to need everyone to be focused, every group's posters must be completed by this time.
12:30-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-3:00pm Head out to Hau'ula
3:00-3:30pm Orientation, rules and sleeping arrangements at Hau'ula Hale
3:30-5:30pm 'Ohe kapala workshop with Uncle Kinohi
5:30-7:00pm Down time
7:00-9:00pm Dinner & Shower
9:00-11:00pm Movie
11:00pm Lights out

Sunday, March 17
7:00-8:00am Breakfast
8:00-8:30am Kukulu Kumuhana
8:30-10:30am Poster presentations from each group
10:30-11:00am Pack up and head back to UH
12:30pm Drop off at UH Varney Circle (ma kai side of Queen Lili'uokalani Center for Student Services Building)

What to pack/bring (please do not over pack!):
-Swimming clothes (for those of you who want to go swimming, girls, remember you will need to wear shorts over your bottoms)
-Towel (2)
-Sleepwear (1 set)
-Extra set of dry clothes
-No need to pack shoes, slippers are fine
-Sleeping bag
-Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, soap, personal hygiene care, etc.)
-Light jacket or sweater (in case it gets cold)
-Water bottle
-*Cot/twin size inflatable mattress (no need buy, just bring if you already have it)

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