MAMDRP Pathways Calendar

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Press releases, office redo and yoga?

It was another productive day,

For this particular MAMDRP gathering, the hui accomplished quite a lot.  During the morning session, students practiced and reviewed all of the oli they learned thus far, and they did an amazing job at reciting them from memory.

After the morning session, students broke up into their groups and wrote press releases for the follow up of the wooden floaters for people on the neighbor islands.

After lunch, everyone headed over to the NPN/MAMDRP office and did a quick clean up and "redecorated" the MAMDRP office with their on flair and creativity.

The ending of the day ended with laughter, literally, with Aunty Ku'umeaaaloha, who taught laughing yoga, as a way to bring everyone closer together.

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