MAMDRP Pathways Calendar

Thursday, January 31, 2013

MAMDRP agenda for February 2, 2013...

**Schedule Change***

Aloha MAMDRP 'ohana,

Earlier this week we mentioned for this weekend that we'll be going out to Kahuku side.  After checking out a number of beaches with a few locals from the area, due to a number of different reasons (i.e. A lot of the beaches on that side of the island are very clean, huge surf, etc.) we will be going to the west side of O'ahu instead.  So please be sure to check out the new schedule below

**Updated Schedule**

8:30-8:45am: Gather up at UH Manoa, and then head over to Kahuku side
8:45-9:45am: Bus ride over to Cornet's Beach (for those of you from the west side, or would like to meet us there, we'll be arriving at Cornet's Beach at 9:45am.  It's just past the Makaha 711 and ma kai of the old Cornet's store.  Look for Uncle Kinohi's car.)
9:45-11:30am: Inventory of land debris at Cornet's Beach activity
11:30am: Head over to Uncle Kinohi's Grampa's place in Makaha for lunch
11:30-12:30pm: Lunch at Uncle Kinohi's Gramp's place
12:30-1:30pm: Swimming at Makaha
1:30-2:00pm: Change clothes & evaluations
2:00-3:30pm: Head back to UH
3:30pm: Arrive at UH, pau

Things to bring/remember:
-Dress comfortably (but tastefully)
-Water bottles (don't forget!)
-Swimming clothes (girls must wear shorts)
-Extra change of clothes
-Please pack all of your things in a backpack or bag

*Old Schedule*

8:30-8:45am: Gather up at UH Manoa, and then head over to Kahuku side
8:45-9:45am: Bus ride over to Kahuku Beach
9:45-11:30am: Inventory of land debris at Kahuku Beach activity
11:30-12:00pm: Lunch
12:00-12:45pm: Head over to Sunset Beach
12:45-1:30pm: Swimming at Sunset Beach
1:30-2:00pm: Change clothes
2:00-3:00pm: Head back to UH
3:00-3:30pm: Evaluations, closing, pau

Things to bring/remember:
-Dress comfortably (but tastefully)
-Water bottles (don't forget!)
-Swimming clothes (girls must wear shorts)
-Extra change of clothes
-Please pack all of your things in a backpack or bag

See you folks this Saturday!

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